Song of the day: Heart By: Sleeping At Last

I’m going to tell you all a secret that only two other people know and only because they couldn’t not know. I have this whole week off. Also, I have done absolutely nothing productive. I’ve spent my time cleaning, reading and watching movies that have stacked up on my watchlist.

This has been a very strange holiday. I may write more about why later but one thing that happened was a happy surprise. I heard from someone that I didn’t think I would. But I told myself that this is just like all the other times and won’t start spinning out having girl brain. I don’t have an expectations except that I won’t have any expectations.

It was a happy surprise though and for that I am grateful. However, I am keeping my priorities in check by cleaning and purging before the New Year. I’ve also been educating myself on a lot of things that I just want to be knowledgeable about. More holistic stuff, more natural stuff and more reading/watching things that make my stagnant brain not seem so stagnant.

I know what some of you are thinking… “Oh no, not again”. Well, I guess this is the third time and it’s either a charm or it’s tree strikes and you’re out. This also makes me think of this quote that the universe doesn’t bring someone into your life if you weren’t supposed to love them. Loving him has never been the hard part. That parts easy and has always been.

My friend and I were talking about New Years and he’d said that if I didn’t have anyone to kiss then we should get together and just spend an hour into the new year making out. This actually sounded appealing but he’s just a friend and it one like that but it did get us into this deep conversation about sex, yet again. I explained to him that it was never that sex that was more appealing than the kissing for me but also the music.

I might not remember every encounter that I’ve had in it’s entirety but I remember every song that was playing and every album. Is that weird? I mean if you can’t come up with some good music to play while you’re getting it on then you’re just not doing it right. The best part is you can create a moment for 20 minutes, 2 hours or 12 hours that’s just the way you want to feel. It doesn’t have to mean a thing once that moment it over but in that moment you create your reality. It’s a nice thought.

You all have no idea how nice this week has been to not be stuck at a computer for hours. It’s been years since I’ve actually taken a nice vacation. Maybe one day soon I’ll actually travel on my break but these last few days will just be more of this relaxation. Again, I am grateful for that. I am grateful for happy surprises and finally I am grateful for long music filled make out sessions. Hope you all have an amazing New Years… and I guess I’ll talk to you all after. XXX