Song of the day: Bullet By: Ann Marr

I’m not sure why life has chosen today or these last couple weeks even to have the past come rushing back to me in it’s glorious feelings, memories and frustrations. It must be something in their air or planets or some curse that’s fallen upon me but the feelings and memories are rushing like a river in a storm… and to be honest, I don’t mind the memories. xxx

Song of the day: Valentine By: Maneskin

I’ve been falling down a Maneskin rabbit hole lately. I’m completely obsessed with watching them preform. They’ve got passion… Remember when I said that I miss the passion? Well, they’ve all got it but especially Damiano David… his words, voice and face.

Sorry I got lost in a day dream there. Especially since things have been boring lately, for me. What’s boring you ask? The men around me and also none are surprises or surprising me. They’re all reacting exactly like I knew they would which is sad because the way they did is not good.

Life has all been so boring and expected that I don’t even feel like writing about it now… Just enjoy the music today. xxx