Song of the day: Love Is A Bitch By: Two Feet

You know those songs that the moment that first beat hits you just start to feel it in your soul… This is that for me, or at least one of them. It’s a good soulful song that regardless of the title makes me feel good.

There’s been a LOT going on lately with travel, work and friends but my love life is so non-existent right now it’s unbelievable. I’m pretty sure I’ve said this before but someone said if your work life is great then your love life is shit and that could not be more true right now. I am still going out and seeing some bands that I love though on the weekends but that has stopped a little bit because one of my past “FWB” has joined one of my favorite bands and I don’t feel comfortable going to see then while he’s playing, unless he specifically invited me which he won’t so it’ll be a very long time until I see them again. Luckily I have a lot of musician friends in bands so that doesn’t hinder things too much but I really liked them and they play so close to my home all the time.

Moving on… Enjoy todays song and don’t read into it at all. I just like it. But also, love it kind of a bitch too. xxx