Song of the day: Homeostasis By: Nostalghia

Have you ever realized that you make yourself smaller around certain people because you know that they need to feel bigger or smarter or better? I’m not sure when I really started to do that but I do it a lot now. I realized that a couple weeks ago when I went out of town. It struck me as interesting. It’s not that I didn’t know that I did that but it was kind of how and why and with who it happened that’s made me think about it. It feels as common and normal as homeostasis at this point (hence the song).

Work is still crazy but crazy good. I am enjoying most of it like I enjoy most of my clients. The ones that I don’t I am still good to but not extra special with. My love life is still boring. I mean it’s there but it’s nothing much to write about. There’s one constant FWB and several “suitors”. I still have that strange desire to be half of a power couple and the way work is going the work part is good it’s the love part that’s not getting there.

I have been desperately searching for somewhere new to live. I’ve been at this place for far too long and I would still love to get a place close to the beach. I need something new, like energy around me but I’m also all over the place. One day it’s beach, next day it’s small city life. I feel like there’s people that just don’t need to know where I live anymore and I need cleanse my space… again.

I will say this, I have one “suitor” that has been feeding me new music and I absolutely LOVE it. I enjoy our conversations but it’s all about the new tunes for me right now. You all will also get to benefit from that because I will post them for you to hear. 🙂

That’s all I’ve got today. Enjoy the music today and the weird random rambling. xxx